Frequently asked questions
- Does the hotel have car parking?
A: We have 320 complimentary car parking spaces on site
- What time is check out?
A: Check-out is 12pm.
- What time is check in?
A: Check-in is from 3pm
- What is the hotel’s credit card policy?
A: We require a credit card to make and secure a booking.
- Are pets permitted?
A: Unfortunately, only certified guide dogs are permitted in the hotel.
- Do you have wheelchair accessible rooms?
A: We have six wheelchair accessible rooms.
- Do you provide coffee makers in your guestrooms?
A: Yes, all of our bedrooms are equipped tea/coffee making facilities. Our Premium Rooms and our Suites also offer a Nespresso coffee machine.
- Is Reception desk open 24 hours?
Our Reception desk is open 24 hours.
- Do you have 24-hour room service?
A: Yes, we can offer 24-hour room service.
- Is internet access available?
A: Yes, our guests have complimentary access to our hotel’s Wi-Fi.
- What is the cancellation policy?
A: Our cancellation policy is 24 hours prior to arrival
- What time is breakfast served?
Our Super Buffet Breakfast is served from 7am to 10.30am Monday to Friday, and from 8am to 11am on Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays
- Does the hotel have a conference room? If so, how many people can it accommodate?
The hotel has 10 conference rooms with the largest accommodating up to 740 people Theatre Style
- What leisure facilities are available?
A: Guests can use Healthstyles Fitness & Leisure Club free of charge. The facilities include a fully equipped gym, 18 metre pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi. Guests can also pamper themselves with rejuvenating Spa treatments at our Award Winning Sólás Spa. A full list of treatments is available here. Pre booking is advised.
- What are the Leisure Club opening hours?
07:00 – 22:00 (Mon – Fri)
08:00 – 20:00 (Sat, Sun and bank holidays)
Children’s Hours: 8am – 7pm daily
- Which is the nearest airport?
The nearest airport is Ireland West Airport, Knock in Co. Mayo
- What are the co-ordinates of the Hotel?
Set navigation coordinates to 54.2988N, -8.494492W.
- Which is the nearest bus and train station?
Sligo bus and train station is located 4.5km from the hotel